Without a vehicle? No need to cancel auto insurance. Consider a non-owner policy to cover you when driving borrowed or rented cars and stay protected.
Various circumstances could leave you without a vehicle. Your car may have been totaled, and you don’t have the funds to purchase another immediately. Maybe your vehicle has broken down or been repossessed, or you sold it. No matter the circumstances behind your not having a car, you don’t have to cancel your auto insurance altogether.
When we think of an auto policy, we think of a car that we want to cover and protect. However, in Kansas, you can purchase a non-owner insurance policy to protect you financially if you’re involved in an auto accident.
A non-owner policy covers you when driving a borrowed or rented vehicle. Suppose you are liable for causing an accident. In that case, a non-owner policy covers your legal liability for auto accident-related property damage and injuries to the other parties involved. A non-owner insurance policy is typically cheaper than most regular auto insurance policies. If you don’t own a vehicle but want to protect yourself financially, you can work closely with our agents at AHI Group in Olathe, KS to discuss the appropriate non-owner insurance coverage that meets your needs.
Non-owner insurance policies in Kansas must cover the state’s minimum coverage that applies to a traditional car insurance policy. Those coverages include up to $25,000 for bodily injury per person and $50,000 per accident. They also cover up to $25,000 per accident for property damage.
If you have found yourself without a vehicle and have to borrow a friend’s car, drive a rental, or operate a vehicle as part of a ride-sharing program, contact our agents at AHI Group in Olathe, KS to discuss a non-owner policy. We can get you covered and protected financially with a personalized insurance policy.