RV Insurance: Protecting Your Home on the Road

There are numerous ways to travel. Some people prefer traveling by plane, train, or automobile, but for a unique experience, nothing compares to journeying in an RV. In addition to offering an exceptional way to vacation, recreational vehicles come with numerous benefits, beginning with the convenience of home-like amenities. This is why a vast number of people and families love their RVs and why so many people in the Olathe, KS area entrust their RV insurance needs to the professional and friendly agents at the AHI Group.

Protect Your On-the-Road Home

Just as we strive to protect our homes, we should aim to safeguard our on-the-road homes. RV insurance can make a significant difference in the event of mishaps, storm damage, theft, and more.

Whether your on-the-road home is parked in your driveway or you’re prepping for your next big adventure, ensure that your RV is adequately insured. That’s why having a reliable insurance partnership is crucial for dealing with all your RV insurance needs.

AHI Group RV Insurance

For RV owners in or around the Olathe, KS, area who have questions about or need RV insurance solutions, look no further than the trusted and professional agents at the AHI Group. Whatever your needs, we’ve got you covered. Contact us to learn more and schedule an appointment to secure your on-the-road home today.

How much does commercial landlord insurance cost?

Getting into the commercial real estate game isn’t for the faint of heart. In the United States, there are around 5.9 million commercial buildings; landlords of these businesses, the owners, may be required to obtain real estate business insurance to protect their assets and ensure the smooth operation of the tenants within your business.

But how much does it cost? One of the most vital aspects to running any business is ensuring you have adequate protection, including commercial landlord insurance for those whose business is in renting out business property. Here’s the rundown.

What is commercial landlord insurance?

Commercial landlord insurance is a specialized type of business insurance that is designed to protect property owners who rent out commercial spaces, such as office buildings, retail stores, warehouses, and industrial properties. This insurance typically covers a range of risks and losses that are commonly associated with owning and leasing commercial real estate, including:

  1. Property Damage: Covers the cost of repairs or replacement if the building or its contents are damaged by perils such as fire, vandalism, or natural disasters.
  2. Liability Coverage: Protects the landlord against legal claims if someone is injured on the property or if the landlord is found liable for damage to a tenant’s property.
  3. Loss of Rental Income: Compensates the landlord for lost income if the property becomes uninhabitable due to a covered event, such as a fire or flood, preventing tenants from occupying the space.
  4. Legal Expenses: Covers legal costs associated with disputes, such as evictions or contract issues with tenants.

Commercial landlord insurance policies may be customized, in the same way any commercial insurance policy can be. Working with an agent can help you determine exactly the kind of coverage your business may need, while cutting away the fat (the coverage you don’t need) and saving you money.

How much is commercial landlord insurance?

The cost of commercial landlord insurance can vary widely depending on several factors, typically ranging from a few hundred to several thousand dollars annually. The specific cost will depend on the value of the property, the types of coverage included, and the risk profile of the business. Every insurance company is different, keep in mind. Some insurance companies will charge more or less for specific types, sizes, or locations of properties, all depending on how they weigh certain factors.

Generally, premiums are influenced by the location of the property, the type of building, its age and condition, the business activities conducted on the premises, and the level of coverage desired. However, it’s a lot more in-depth than that. Here’s a list of the factors that may influence the cost of your insurance:


Where a building is located in a city, and what city it’s in, can have a significant influence on insurance premiums. Some cities see more crime, worse weather, and similar disastrous events, which could result in a building being more at-risk of a loss. The likelier the loss, the more expensive the insurance.

Property Value

The higher the value of a property, the more the insurance will cost. This is because, ultimately, that building will cost more to replace due to an accidental loss.

Type of Building & Age

Older constructions and unique constructions may be more vulnerable to potential losses than newer, structurally sound builds. Special features will also cost more to insure.

Business Activities

The type of businesses that are leasing your commercial space can impact risk, affecting insurance costs. For example, retail businesses operating in your commercial space may not cost as much to insure as if you leased to, say, an indoor arcade or axe-throwing facility.

Coverage Limits

The more coverage you buy, the more it will cost. The same goes for increasing limits, and also having a lower deductible–meaning the insurance company pays out more in the event of a loss–can increase your insurance rates as well.

Claims History

Having had previous claims can be an indicator of making claims again in the future. If you’ve had a lot of claims, or severe ones, your insurance rates could be higher.

Security and Safety Features

Properties with robust security systems, fire alarms, and sprinkler systems may benefit from lower costs.

Connect with AHI Insurance for lower commercial property insurance costs

At AHI Insurance, we understand the unique challenges and risks associated with owning commercial properties. Our experienced team is dedicated to helping you find affordable and comprehensive commercial landlord insurance tailored to your specific needs. We work with a variety of top-rated insurance providers to offer competitive rates and customizable coverage options. Whether you own a small office building or a large retail complex, AHI Insurance is here to provide you with peace of mind and financial protection. Let us help you secure the best coverage at the best price, so you can focus on managing your property with confidence.

4 biggest mistakes your e-commerce store is making

Owning any store, whether physical or virtual, can be challenging! There are plenty of factors abound and a wrong turn could have a lasting impact on your business, its reputation, or on your final product.

The USA ranks king as having the most e-commerce stores of any country with over 13.98 million. That’s a lot of stores, and not all of them live past a few years. Want to be successful online? At AHI Group, we insure tons of different business types, helping them find the right commercial insurance package for their risk requirements. We know e-commerce risk.

Failure no. 1: Not looking at what others are doing

You ever hear that saying, “focus on yourself, not others?” Well, that’s a great motto for personal development but it doesn’t really have a place in running an e-commerce website. What makes an e-commerce store successful is your ability to stand out when compared with other online stores and you can’t do that unless you at least know what they’re doing.

So, do your studying! Research even before you start your business so you have an idea of what works, what doesn’t, and what you’re capable of. If you have an idea of the market even before you begin, you’re already one step closer to success.

Consider conducting what’s called a competitive analysis. This is an in-depth evaluation of comparisons between you and other brands to determine what makes you stand out. This can allow you to know where your unique qualities stand out and allows you to craft your marketing strategy more accurately.

Failure no. 2: Failing to optimize for mobile users

In 2023, the USA had over 187 million online mobile shoppers. Failing to optimize for mobile devices is failing to optimize for half or more of your potential customers. Many people shop on-the-go when they don’t have access to a laptop or computer, so it makes sense that having a site that’s mobile-friendly can expand your customer base that much more. Plus, search algorithms like it more when sites are mobile-friendly! In fact, it’s been noted in a study from Think with Google that customers who have had negative experiences with your site on mobile devices are 62% less likely to purchase in the future.

Mobile optimization is just another feature that can help make the shopping process for your e-commerce website all the smoother.

Failure no. 3: Not investing in fast-loading pages

Page speed is crucial for e-commerce stores because it directly affects user experience, conversion rates, and search engine rankings. In today’s fast-paced digital world, customers expect websites to load quickly. A slow-loading site can frustrate visitors, leading them to abandon their shopping carts and seek out competitors. Nowadays, everything is fast–ordering food, doing self-check-out at grocery stores, etc.

Having fast-paced tech is very convenient, but it has also created thousands, if not millions of impatient customers. If your site is just a tad too slow, expect your success rate to be that much lower.

Page speed is also a critical factor in search engine optimization (SEO). Search engines like Google prioritize fast-loading websites in their rankings, as they aim to provide the best possible experience for users. A faster site is more likely to appear higher in search results, driving more organic traffic to the store. This increased visibility can lead to more potential customers discovering the e-commerce store, ultimately boosting sales.

Failure no. 4: Poor user experience

This one is probably a no-brainer, but poor user experience (UX for short) is one of the biggest detriments to e-commerce websites. When users encounter a website that is difficult to navigate, slow to load, or not optimized for mobile devices, they are likely to become frustrated and leave. This abandonment not only results in lost sales but also diminishes the likelihood of those users returning in the future. A seamless and intuitive UX is essential to keeping customers engaged and encouraging them to complete their purchases.

UX can also impact your business’s reputation! In today’s digital age, a bad review, whether posted on Google, TikTok, or even Instagram can get around, and your site could be known as the “slow to load” or “bad customer service” store. Consistent negative feedback like this will deter potential future customers from visiting the site and could put a wedge in your traffic and sales.

Once again, search engines, like Google, also take user experience into account. Factors such as page load speed, mobile responsiveness, and overall site usability are part of the algorithms that determine search rankings. A poor UX can result in lower search engine rankings, reducing the visibility of the e-commerce store. Lower visibility means fewer organic visitors, which in turn can negatively impact sales and growth.

Bonus failure no. 5: Not having insurance

A last note? While not really an “operational mistake,” we also find too few e-commerce stores have the insurance they need to protect their products, liability, and more. E-commerce stores may not have a physical storefront, but they still have assets, workers, reputation, and interactions–which means potential room for claims that could impact your finances and reputation. Get insured with AHI Group and learn what kind of coverage your business can benefit from.

Give AHI Group a call

AHI Group’s specialty is helping businesses get the coverage they need. We have confidence in our insurance knowledge, which can help prepare your e-commerce store to fortify itself against future risks. With years of business behind us, we have pride in our reputation and priority of our customers’ interests.

Insurance is not a one-size-fits-all solution. We get to know you and your business so we can craft coverage in accordance with your risk-related needs. Give us a call.

Home-based businesses: An insurance 101

Did you know there are over 16 million home-based businesses in the United States? That’s right–and that makes up a huge percentage of the small businesses in the country, too.

While it may not be at the top of your mind, the matter is that, yes: home-based businesses should have insurance, the same way businesses with a physical storefront, office, or warehouse do! Home-based businesses face risks, although they may not look the same way, and they could be vulnerable to potential liabilities and losses. Here’s what you need to know about insuring a home-based business:

What is home-based business insurance?

Home-based business insurance is an insurance policy or package of policies designed to protect businesses operating out of a person’s home. While homeowners insurance might offer some limited coverage for business equipment, it typically does not cover business-related liabilities or losses. Home-based business insurance can include general liability, property insurance for business equipment, and even business interruption coverage to help cover lost income due to unforeseen events. Home-based business insurance can help ensure that home-based business owners have the comprehensive protection they need, and the protection that’s best suited to their business activities.

Who needs home-based business insurance?

Home-based business insurance is essential for anyone running a business from their home, as standard homeowners insurance typically does not cover business-related risks. Here are some examples of home-based businesses that should consider this insurance:

  • Freelancers
  • Consultants
  • Tutors
  • Crafters and artisans
  • Online sellers
  • Accountants
  • Personal trainers
  • Daycare providers
  • Writers and authors
  • Photographers

What coverage do home-based business owners need?

The exact coverage a home-based business needs will vary based on that type of business, so it helps to work with an agent and figure out what kind of coverage you need exactly.

Here are some examples of coverages that could be of benefit to you as a home-based business owner:

General Liability Insurance

A general liability policy is perhaps the most basic liability coverage any commercial operation should have–if nothing else, then you should at least have this. General liability insurance covers you for the basic risks of running a home-based business, including injuries to customers, whether physical or personal, and more.

Business Owner’s Policy

This is one of the easiest and most cost-effective ways for individuals who run a business out of their homes to get comprehensive insurance. A BOP (business owner’s policy) combines general liability and commercial property insurance into one cost-effective solution.

Professional Liability Insurance

E&O insurance, as it’s also called, is designed to cover lawsuits pertaining to the quality of the services that you provide. This could be something as simple as a couple at a wedding sueing a photographer for poor quality photos at their event. Professional liability insurance also helps accountants, therapists, and other professionals in their day-to-day work.

Commercial Auto Insurance

Businesses with vehicles won’t be able to benefit from personal auto insurance, and will need separate commercial-specific insurance to cover their automobiles. Commercial auto insurance is the solution.

How much does it cost to buy home-based business insurance?

The cost of home-based business insurance varies widely based on factors such as the type of business, coverage limits, location, and the specific risks involved. If you need a precise approximation, request a free quote from one of our agents at AHI Group! Typically, premiums can range from a few hundred to several thousand dollars annually. Here are some factors that influence the cost:

  • Type of business
  • Location
  • Coverage limits
  • Business size
  • Number of employees (if any)
  • Claims history
  • Deductibles
  • Business equipment value

With this information, it’s probably a fair assumption that insuring a home-based daycare would probably cost more to insure than covering a freelance writing gig. A few children desecrating your wallpaper or swallowing toxic crayons would probably cost more to recover from then a few typos on a website–but then again, both face potential losses! Regardless of the degree of risk, your business is your business. Insurance can help keep it running.

What information do I need to get a home-based business insurance quote?

To obtain a home-based business insurance quote, you’ll need to provide specific details about your business. This helps insurers assess the level of risk and determine the appropriate coverage. Your AHI agent may request the following key pieces of information about your business:

  • Business name and address
  • Type of business
  • Description of business activities
  • Annual revenue
  • Number of employees
  • Value of business equipment
  • Claims history
  • Desired coverage limits
  • Existing insurance policies
  • Business structure (e.g., sole proprietorship, LLC)

Home-based businesses are incredibly popular in the US, with the number of arts and crafts shops on Etsy.com jumping from 2.6 million (2019) to 7.5 million (2021) in a short few years. That’s just arts and crafts, too–there’s scores of home-based businesses that predated the pandemic, and there will be hundreds of thousands more afterwards!

The process to getting home-based business insurance is easy with AHI Group. All you need to do is simply give us a call, tell us a bit about what you do and your business, and you’ll be well on your way to getting a free quote.

What is malpractice insurance for healthcare clinics?

Medical malpractice. That’s a scary word for any healthcare professional, and it’s why healthcare professionals–and why doctors take the Hippocratic Oath, to avoid going against their patients’ interests. But if all else fails, and something does go wrong, it’s good to know there’s insurance in place to help.

With approximately 1 in 3 medical practitioners sued for medical malpractice in the US, it makes all the more sense why this coverage would be highly sought after. Explore what this coverage is, why it helps, and whether or not your clinic should have it.

First of all – what is medical malpractice insurance?

In short, medical malpractice insurance is another designation of professional liability insurance. It’s a subgroup of E&O and it covers more specific risks faced by healthcare professionals.

The longer definition of it is this: a type of professional liability insurance designed to protect healthcare providers against claims of negligence and errors. It’s crucial for doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, as it helps cover the legal costs and settlements or judgments associated with lawsuits alleging mistakes in patient care. Claims covered by medical malpractice insurance can arise from various scenarios, including misdiagnosis, surgical errors, and improper treatment.

Even highly skilled and experienced practitioners can make mistakes, and the consequences can be severe, both for the patient and the healthcare provider. After all, malpractice claims can be financially devastating and damage a professional’s reputation and career—sometimes irreparably.

Is medical malpractice insurance required by law?

Unlike some other types of E&O insurance, medical malpractice insurance is almost always required by state law for medical clinics, particularly hospitals and is usually a prerequisite before obtaining certain kinds of medical licenses. Even if it isn’t required by your profession, it’s highly recommended. The cost of a lawsuit can be high, and the damage to your reputation even moreso.

Here’s a list of professions generally required to carry medical malpractice insurance:

  • Nurse
  • Psychotherapists
  • Dentists
  • Physiotherapists
  • Psychiatrists
  • Physicians
  • Optometrists
  • Social worker

State laws, however, vary. There’s no federal requirement for this type of insurance. Seven states presently require the acquisition of medical malpractice insurance for certain healthcare professionals (such as those listed above): Kansas, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Colardo, Connecticut, New Jersey, and Wisconsin. Exact requirements vary by state, but the amount of coverage needed varies from $100,000 to $1 million per occurrence, and then $300,0000 to $3 million in annual “aggregate coverage.”

Some states have similar requirements, but instead of a hard mandate, it’s a minimum level of coverage for medical professionals to participate in state programs, which can limit the damages that a malpractice claim can bring or offer supplemental malpractice insurance. This includes New York, Pennsylvania, Wyoming, Nebraska, Indiana, Louisiana, and New Mexico. In California, it’s only required of physicians to have malpractice insurance if they do outpatient surgery.

In order to be exempt from insurance in Florida, doctors must have an escrow account, post a bond, or receive an irrevocable line of credit letter from a lending agency or bank. This cannot be used for legal fees. It also must be made known to patients they don’t carry malpractice insurance.

Why carry medical malpractice insurance?

Why should doctors and medical professionals carry malpractice insurance? Because it safeguards them against the financial and reputational risks associated with lawsuits alleging negligence or errors in patient care. This insurance, as part of an overall medical offices insurance plan, covers legal costs, settlements, and judgments, ensuring that practitioners can focus on providing quality care without the constant fear of potential litigation. Plus, depending on the state you’re in, it can be a requirement! Even if your state doesn’t require medical malpractice insurance, it’s greatly recommended.

How much does medical malpractice insurance cost?

It varies by profession, state, and coverage level. Professional liability insurance generally costs around $50-$100 a month for a small healthcare clinic, but keep in mind that other factors will influence your final pricetag:

  • The size of your clinic
  • Your daily operations – what you do, activities
  • If surgeries are performed
  • The location of your clinic
  • Policy limits and deductible amounts
  • Previous medical malpractice claims

Medical malpractice will not cover you against every business risk there is. Depending on your business’ specifics, you could benefit from having other policies, which also could be required. General liability, commercial property insurance, tools and equipment insurance, etc., are all coverages that can be of benefit to healthcare clinics.

AHI Group can help your medical office or healthcare clinic find the best medical malpractice insurance tailored to your specific needs. With a deep understanding of the unique challenges faced by healthcare providers, we offer personalized service to navigate the complexities of malpractice coverage. Our expert team evaluates various insurance options to ensure comprehensive protection at competitive rates. By partnering with AHI Group, your practice can benefit from customized solutions that provide peace of mind and allow you to focus on delivering exceptional patient care!

Tips and tricks for staying cool in extreme heat

According to an article from The Guardian, Americans are enduring summers almost a full two degrees (1.5F) hotter than the average in 1895. Some places have seen far more extreme summertime increases, reaching up to nearly 5F hotter.

This extreme summer heat can be dangerous for anyone, but especially kids, the elderly, and those with chronic illness. As the summer heat gets progressively more intense, it becomes ever more crucial to stay cool during the summer. Here’s our top tips for beating the heat!

Why is the summer heat so dangerous?

Summer heat can be particularly dangerous due to several factors. High temperatures significantly increase the body’s need for water, and inadequate fluid intake can lead to dehydration, manifesting as dizziness, headaches, and in severe cases, heat exhaustion or heat stroke.

Heat exhaustion is actually more common than you might think, occurring in roughly 20 of 100,000 people each year in the United States. It tends to be more common in urban areas during periods of extreme heat and causes anywhere between 240 and 833 deaths.

eat exhaustion, a milder form of heat-related illness, can develop after prolonged exposure to high temperatures with insufficient fluid replacement, causing heavy sweating, weakness, cold, pale, and clammy skin, a fast and weak pulse, nausea, vomiting, and fainting. Overexposure to the sun can cause sunburn, resulting in skin damage, pain, and an increased risk of skin cancer.

High temperatures may also exacerbate existing health conditions in vulnerable populations. This includes respiratory problems, heart disease, and diabetes. Heart edem

Tips for staying cool in the summer heat

Staying cool in the summer heat is crucial for preventing diseases caused by extreme heat. Here are some tips to stay comfortable, but most importantly safe!

Stay hydrated

Drink lots of water throughout the day, even if you don’t feel thirsty. You may even find yourself needing to drink more water than the usual recommended amount. Try to avoid overindulging in drinks that would otherwise dehydrate you, such as caffeinated drinks and alcohol.

Use sunscreen

Apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to protect your skin from harmful UV rays. Reapply every two hours, or more often if you are sweating or swimming. Keep in mind that even sunscreens labelled as water-resistant will wash off, so keep your sunscreen on hand!

Dress for the weather

Wear lightweight, loose-fitting, and light-colored clothing. Natural fabrics like cotton are breathable and help keep you cool.

Use fans and air-conditioning

Stay in air-conditioned buildings as much as possible. If you don’t have air conditioning at home, spend time in public places like shopping malls, libraries, or community centers. Use fans to circulate air and keep cool.

Take cool showers or baths

A cool shower or bath can help lower your body temperature. Alternatively, use a damp cloth to wipe your body or soak your feet in cool water.

Avoid strenuous activities

Limit intense physical activities, especially during peak heat. If you must exercise, do so in the early morning or late evening when it’s cooler.

Use cooling products

Items like cooling towels, ice packs, or misting fans can provide immediate relief from the heat.

Keep an eye on pets and children

Children and pets can overheat faster than us, and they may lack the communication skills to tell us they are unwell. Dogs, in particular, don’t have a means of sweating and regulating their temperature through panting/the bottom of their paws, so make sure they have plenty of access to shade and regular water through the day. Babies may fuss or cry, or may even do the exact opposite and become lethargic or unresponsive in extreme heat. And, as always, never leave a pet or child unattended in a hot car. Anything above 60F is considered dangerous for pets and children!

*A note for dogs: a common myth is that pouring water on your dog helps to keep them cool. On especially hot days, this is ill-advised! Unless the dog is swimming, pouring water on a dog can actually trap the water in their coat, which can heat up and increase their temperature.

Enjoying the summer heat safely

Enjoy the summer heat and take advantage of the summer months by choosing activities that minimize heat exposure. Consider going out in the early morning or late evening for outdoor activities like walking, jogging, cycling, etc. Water-based activities are great for all times of day, but especially if you want to go out during the hottest times of the day since they help you keep cool while being active. Of course, always remember the sunscreen and seek shade during peak hours!

For family fun, consider outdoor games that don’t require strenuous effort, such as frisbee, badminton, or a relaxed game of catch. Summer evenings are perfect for stargazing, outdoor movie nights, or having a barbecue with friends and family. Just ensure there is ample shade, plenty of fluids, and lighter food options.

We at AHI Group love the summer, but we understand that the extreme heat can be dangerous! Enjoy these summer months safely, and take the necessary precautions to keep your family safe. Happy summer!

What are the qualities of a good insurance agent?

Have you contemplated becoming an insurance agent? Looking to work with an insurance agent to find affordable insurance for your business, home, or vehicle? Whatever the case, understanding the qualities that define a good insurance agent is critical. Seeing as there are over 900,000 licensed insurance agents and brokers working in the U.S., it makes sense to differentiate between what is good and what is exemplary–(hint: recognizing the latter is the shortcut to affordable, comprehensive protection!)

A proficient insurance agent not only possesses extensive industry knowledge but also demonstrates strong communication skills, reliability, and a genuine commitment to their clients’ well-being. Let’s explore what are the qualities of a good insurance agent, for both aspiring professionals and clients alike.

Why work with an insurance agent?

Working with an insurance agent offers several noticeable advantages over shopping for insurance directly from providers. An insurance agent acts as a knowledgeable advocate who can navigate the complexities of insurance policies, ensuring that you receive the best coverage tailored to your specific needs. A good insurance agent offers personalized service, expert advice, and will support you throughout your insurance journey, making the process of buying a policy, making changes, and filing claims that much easier. After all, insurance can be confusing.

Here are some of the reasons why you might choose to work with an insurance agent:

  • Their expertise and knowledge: Agents possess in-depth understanding of various insurance products and can explain complex terms and conditions.
  • Personalized recommendations: They assess your unique situation and provide tailored policy options that best suit your needs.
  • Time-savings: Agents handle the research, comparisons, and paperwork, saving you valuable time and effort.
  • Access to numerous providers: Agents often have relationships with multiple insurance companies, giving you access to a wider range of options and competitive rates. They may even have access to companies not available on the general market.
  • Claims assistance: Agents provide support throughout the claims process, ensuring smooth and efficient handling of any claims you need to file.
  • Ongoing support: They offer continuous service, helping you adjust your coverage as your needs change over time.
  • Advocacy: In case of disputes or issues with your policy, agents advocate on your behalf to resolve matters promptly and fairly.

Quality no. 1: Social skills

A good insurance agent excels in people skills, which are essential for building strong, trusting relationships with clients. This includes being an active listener, understanding and empathizing with clients’ needs, and effectively communicating complex information in a clear and understandable way. Strong people skills enable an insurance agent to connect with clients on a personal level, making them feel valued and understood.

Working in insurance is working with–and protecting–people, at its core. Whether that’s people’s businesses, their homes, their cars, etc. An insurance agent needs to have a personal touch when it comes to dealing with these matters, as it can be very personal–especially when it comes to assessing a client’s needs and concerns. An agent with good people skills can navigate possibly sensitive conversations with empathy, offer reassurance during stressful times, and maintain a positive, professional demeanor in every interaction they have.

Quality no. 2: Time management

Effective time management is a critical quality for a good insurance agent. Managing time efficiently allows an agent to balance multiple clients, meetings, and administrative tasks without compromising on the quality of service.

Let’s be real: time management is crucial in any profession, but it can be especially so when people’s livelihoods are left exposed. By being punctual and maintaining a structured schedule, an insurance agent can maximize productivity and minimize delays, which is crucial for timely policy renewals, claims processing, and client inquiries. Good time management also enables agents to stay on top of industry developments and continuously improve their knowledge and skills.

Quality no. 3: Product knowledge

A good insurance agent must have a deep understanding of the various types of insurance, coverage options, policy terms, and the specific benefits and limitations of each product. In addition, it helps (especially in today’s age) to have some tech skills; this is especially integral for agents nowadays.

An agent should be proficient in using modern tools and platforms for comparing policies, managing client information, and streamlining the application and claims processes. They should stay current with technological advancements and industry trends to provide clients with up-to-date information and efficient service.

Quality no. 4: Reliability

Reliability is a cornerstone quality of a good insurance agent, essential for building and maintaining client trust. A reliable insurance agent consistently follows through on promises, meets deadlines, and is available when clients need assistance or advice.

When you’re an insurance agent, you’re an advisor. People don’t have the knowledge you have, that’s why they look to you. If you can’t be there for them, you can’t be a good insurance agent. Reliable agents need to be transparent, maintain regular communication, and keep clients informed about important updates–ensuring that there are no surprises.

Work with AHI

At AHI Group, we’re staffed with nothing but the best insurance agents. Our agents understand the concerns of the individuals, families, and organizations in the regions we’re licensed in and can help address issues as they arise. We’ll find you affordable protection that checks every box. Give us a call today or request a free quote.

Do consultants need professional liability insurance?

Consultants are specially trained or experienced individuals who are paid in exchange for providing professional expertise, usually to do with a specific project, industry, or topic. They often have strong relationships with their clients and successful consultants do well to invest in marketing and networking. What kind of insurance do they need, though? Is professional liability insurance a must for contractors, especially as most of their business revolves around giving advice?

The short answer here is: yes, consultants do need professional liability insurance (also called errors and omissions, or E&O for short.) Due to the potentially sensitive nature of the advice they offer, consultants may be more at-risk than other industries and professionals. Here’s how professional liability insurance (among other coverages!) can help protect you as a consultant.

Professional liability insurance for consultants

In a nutshell, professional liability insurance in the context of insuring consultants protects these professional individuals if they should ever make a mistake, forget something, or fail to offer their promised service to a client. Since the failure on the part of the consultant could cost the client a huge amount, it could result in a lawsuit. In the event of an error or omission, professional liability insurance would provide the consultant with the protection they need.

What kind of mistakes or claims made by a consultant would be covered by E&O?

Here’s a list of some of the kinds of mistakes or errors that professional liability insurance can cover:

Professional Negligence

A mistake or oversight in the consultant’s work, such as not accounting for a specific deadline or budget, could lead to significant financial loss for a client. The client could sue, leaving the consultant faced with hefty legal defence costs.

Legal Defense Costs

Any lawsuit pertaining to an E&O event may be covered by professional liability insurance, including the following expenses: attorney fees, court costs, and settlement expenses.


A consultant could be faced with a claim following an incident where the consultant provided misleading information or failed to provide important information to a client.

Breach of Contract

Professional liability insurance can cover claims that arise from a consultant not fulfilling contractual obligations as agreed upon in their consultant-client contract.

Failure to Deliver Services

If the consultant fails to deliver services as promised/either fails to provide services altogether or fails to meet expectations, they may be faced with serious trouble. Professional liability insurance could help in an instance like this.

Is professional liability insurance required for consultants?

Consultants certainly should have E&O insurance, given the extent of what could go wrong, but is it actually required? In some cases, certain insurance coverages are required by law. It depends on the state and industry, of course, but businesses can get in serious trouble if they’re found to be underinsured.

Professional liability insurance is not universally required for consultants, but technically its necessity depends on the industry, client contracts (some contracts will include conditions that the consultant carries their own insurance coverage,) and legal regulations in the consultant’s operating region.

Many clients, particularly larger corporations and government agencies mandate that consultants carry professional liability insurance as part of their contractual agreements. This requirement serves as a safeguard against potential financial losses resulting from mistakes, negligence, or inadequate work performed by the consultant.

While smaller clients might not always require professional liability insurance, having this coverage can significantly enhance a consultant’s credibility and professionalism. Insurance provides a safety net that protects consultants from the financial burdens of legal defense costs, settlements, and potential damages if a client files a lawsuit. In a field where reputation and trust are of the utmost importance, carrying professional liability insurance not only mitigates risk but also shows a commitment to a higher standard of service.

Is professional liability insurance required for consultants?

The cost of professional liability insurance for consultants varies widely based on several factors, including the consultant’s industry, the size and scope of their business, the level of risk associated with their services, and the coverage limits of the policy. On average, consultants can expect to pay between $500 and $3,000 annually for a basic professional liability insurance policy. For higher-risk industries or those requiring higher coverage limits, the cost can be significantly higher.

Like any commercial insurance policy, factors of your business will impact your rates. For example, a consultant in a field which much higher perceived risks, like financial advisory, could see higher premiums than those in less risky fields. Insurance premiums may also be impacted by geographical location (lawsuits being more expensive in some areas) and, of course, policies with higher coverage limits or add-ons will cost more.

To obtain the best rates, we recommend calling our agents here at AHI and discussing your needs today! We’ll go over your existing coverage and how to find you a great rate. After all, you give such great advice–why shouldn’t you get it back? Our tips and suggestions will guide you towards the ultimate policy that will grant you both peace-of-mind and great savings.